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A Helping Hand for Students

The shift in consciousness has triggered more people to want to pursue their life purpose which has ignited an explosive demand for spiritual based coaches. The Academy of Soul Empowerment has stepped in to help, offering financial assistance and a fast track 10 month specialised Consciousness Coaching training program for those interested in becoming soul based coaches. We want to make it possible for people to afford coach training and become certified in record time. With the demand for coaches skyrocketing, and holistic coaching emerging as a rapidly growing home business, many people, often strapped financially themselves, are looking to the field of coaching as a second career. But generally tuition costs exceed the tens of thousands and the lengthy training times have deterred many would-be coaches from entering the field. To fix the problem, Eryka Stanton, the Academy's founder and a pioneer of the Consciousness Coaching soul based coaching methodology says, “The significant scholarship assistance the Academy is offering will make it possible for people to get the coach training they need. And with the accelerated training that is now available, they’ll get the job done faster. and with specialised focus” There are many people who would make exceptional coaches, but until now haven’t been able to afford the high cost of training, or the time it has taken to become a coach, Now they are able to become fully trained and certified in a shorter period of time, and they’ll have a portion of their training costs paid for through the Academy's scholarship program. With people’s careers in chaos and searching for more meaning in their life, the scholarship program s making available is exactly the kind of help prospective coaches need right now, Scholarship applicants can find more information or apply online.

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